Dodgy alliteration aside my aim here is to chronicle the adventures and achievements of myself and a select band of Dark Age enthusiasts through the mediums of art, literature and experimental archaology. In other words we play wargames and beat each other up with spears.

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Arrival from Cybertron (damn you Michael Bay!)

Ive been kicking around the idea of doing a blog for a year or so but one thing or another and all that shy*te, anyway Ive defined conventional wisdom and found a plus point to the recession, namely loosing my job has freed me up for more 'creative' persuits. The idea behind doing this is firstly to impose some discipline onto my shoddy approach towards my hobbies, and also we seem to have far too much fun for seriouse grown men and it seems only fair to share this.

The first pics are from the only finished unit in my wargaming army (as I said, shoddy), a unit of Viking Hirdmen from the Wargames Foundry. These are part of my Hiberno Norse posse for Warhammer ancient battles and have been kicking around for the last three years or so, almost from the time I started playing.
The army itself is over 2000pts but so far this is the only completed unit, the rest are painted to a gaming standard but nothing worth displaying, hovever now I have the means to do so this is the ideal incentive to complete the job( hmm).
The first character is a conversion of two Foundry figures and came about as a result of needing an additional hand weapon, and also finding a home for the ridiculous big beardy bondi head, which was lying around after I picked up a large joblot of Foundry stuff off ebay.Anyway enough about me heres the shinies.

On the workdesk at the moment is a second Hirdmen unit, this time from Gripping beast. The core of this troop is from the Beast's characterfull Hiberno Norse figures (at the back of the shot) and to complement these Im converting some of thier Pictich nobles, giving them spectacled helms and daneaxes. These were part of my christmas loot and will be covered in detail in a future post