Dodgy alliteration aside my aim here is to chronicle the adventures and achievements of myself and a select band of Dark Age enthusiasts through the mediums of art, literature and experimental archaology. In other words we play wargames and beat each other up with spears.

Monday, 5 April 2010

A quick Bondi seshion

Just a quick post of a few pics of the underclasses, these aren't from completed units but Ive finished these few off so I can take some pictures of the scenery, which will be relocating to Pete's house now that He's finished the new board.
This is the command stand from the Bondi spears, there is another stand that butts up alongside to form a shieldwall, more of which later.

A converted hornblower
And lastly a couple of Thralls. All the figures are Foundry, and hopefully I will finish off some Picts for them to do battle with soon.