Dodgy alliteration aside my aim here is to chronicle the adventures and achievements of myself and a select band of Dark Age enthusiasts through the mediums of art, literature and experimental archaology. In other words we play wargames and beat each other up with spears.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Alpha maille

Another exellent weekend with our Wirral brethren yielded up not just a thoroughly enjoyable and vigorous time with some thoroughly splendid fellows but a brynie as a bonus, rivited in the correct fashion and somewhat inspiring, to quote myself I 'Felt badass'.

Friday, 3 September 2010


Beowulf is very prominent in my sources of inspiration at the moment, inspired by my purchasing of a new version illistrated by the legendary John Howe and also a quick quote search through the Seamus Heaney addition, which ended up with me reading the whole book.
As a reenactor himself Howe is keen on authenticity, his concept work for the Rings movies, in particular the Rohan, was wonderfull. Here he succeeds in maintaining a high level of accuracy while still imbuing his images with majesty, perfectly capturing the spirit of the tale.

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Summer of love

Heres a quick recap of the last couple of shows we did, the first being the very exellent Greenfair at Beacon park in Uppholland which was a local show for our most exellent brethren from the Wirral group.

This was a very enjoyable and relaxed affair in familiar surroundings with valued company, and yet for the second year in a row apocalyptic events rocked the weekend. Last year a sand filled firebox reignited after lights out and set the tent on fire, this woke up a couple of the ladies Tamzin amd Leslie (while us stalwart lads slept heroicly on) and when they threw water on the firebox the sand exploded, sending flaming debree far and wide, I awoke to the sound of an explosion and a shout of "His car's on fire!". Fortunately nobody was hurt.
This year as part of the show there were some authentic wedding recreations, and during his and Claudias Dave surprised us all (especially Claudia) by taking a knee and actualy proposing. The real shock came soon after when the entire group, comprising the finest warriors of the north including two warlords, burst into tears. Ted achieved a small measure of revenge when he knighted Dave shortly after, at which point Daves face resembled Claudias. This left Ted in need of a bondsman, which doesnt seem too bad, so far all I've had to do is clean the odd weapon and supply the pies.

The following weekend I was treading in Uhtred's footsteps in the awesome shadow of Bamburgh Castle, an event hosted by the very hospitable St Cuthbert'sland group.

Of the many (many) things I have taken from this hobby, not the least is the opertunity to spend time in some awe inspiring places, and as the pictures can attest this was one of the finest.

These last few show were less miliaterily focused than the big national events, which gives more opertunities to work on the crafts sides of the hobby. Having learnt much from the craftsmen in the society I plan to start exploring boneworking and woodcarving, to which end I purchased a whittling knife from the usual source, i.e Ted.

On reflection I seem to have been neglecting the paint table lately so here is a quick look at what ive been avoiding painting lately, a mounted Pictish comitatus by Grippingbeast, with proper pics to be posted upon completion(hmm).

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Brave new world

I suppose that now I have the internet there really is no excuse for not writing more often, and what better way to step up the pace than recalling the saga of our adventures amongst the southerners. The ten year anniversary of building at Whychurst, Regia's permenant site, came about and the ensuing cellebrations inspired Ted to introduce his fancy new banqueting tunic to society. Driving down to Kent was a bit hardcore, though nicely interrupted by the flocks of black kites outside Oxford, but within 5 minuets of arriving we were vowing to do it again, as the place was stunnung.

"a great mead hall meant to be a wonder of the world forever"

"The hall towered, gold-shingled and gabled"

"Then it was like old times in the echoing hall, proud talk and the people happy"

The highlight of a weekend that involved defending the burgh from a viking raid, blokes in full Sutton Hoo gear and being woken by wolves at 4am (from the wildlife park next door, its not hyberbole to say it sent shivers down the neck) was undoubtably the feast on saturday night.

"the hall was thronged, and a banquet set forth"

This was true Beowulf territory, the place was thronged with about 90 people, the feast was superb, the mead flowed like a swan-road and the hall was bathed in candlelight and laughter, music and poetry. Definately a time to remember.

Monday, 5 April 2010

A quick Bondi seshion

Just a quick post of a few pics of the underclasses, these aren't from completed units but Ive finished these few off so I can take some pictures of the scenery, which will be relocating to Pete's house now that He's finished the new board.
This is the command stand from the Bondi spears, there is another stand that butts up alongside to form a shieldwall, more of which later.

A converted hornblower
And lastly a couple of Thralls. All the figures are Foundry, and hopefully I will finish off some Picts for them to do battle with soon.

Friday, 5 March 2010

Mead, Huggery and the Seax (nothing camp about 10th century pirates!)

Another Jorvik festival has come and gone and a rambunctous romp it was too. Spectacular displays, battles and pageantry were the norm, many an old friend was reunited and the mead flowed like the Ouse. Crois du Nord(C.D.N, thats us, Norman name, dont get me started) had a good one this year, newby Dave had his first show and loved it, Ted, Dave and Pete got to pose in mail and hit people, and I faught my first big battle with a seax as apose to a 2 handed spear, which was much more fun.

A personal belief of mine is that digital cameras and battle reenactments dont mix so the images I use are borrowed from Facebook(I dont think this is going to get me into trouble...) and to be honest non of us would bother anyway, so unfortunately there aren't any pics of us as a group in action yet
The previous pic shows the march through York centre leading up to the night fight (below).
Which was triumphantly concluded with a ship burning and firework display.

All in all a great day, the enduring memory was being part of a hundred strong Saxon army, dancing to eighties pop and the prodigy(this was part of a display by some fire jugglers) prior to going into battle. Sunday was a general mooch around York including a visit to the viking market where I picked up a new Seax. This is to replace my last one which broke in battle, fortunately because of a fault in the mettle and not through irresponsible use on my part.

An added bonus is that the new blade fits my old scabbard, which I intend to tart up in the near future.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Got wood (bless you Edgar Wright)

As the start of the Regia season draws near with York on the 20th I thaught I should swap the paintbrush for some tools, the result being an unholy mess in the lounge which fortunately my flatmates didnt castrate me for.

The plus side to this is a new single handed spear, which thanks to a woefull ineptitude on my behalf during practice will not be seen in public for a good while, however its a usefull toy to have around and I can allready see its advantages. A side benefit of this carpentry found its use at dinner time, when I cooked one of the finest meals known to man, the flame grilled steak. I Heaped up the left over shavings into an old roasting tray and grilled my steak(ribeye, marinaded in olive oil and rosemary) for a couple of minuets. The results were juicy and deliceouse, particularly as the shavings infuse an added smoky flavour.
As well as highlighting my lack of finesse with the new spear saturdays training session also saw me purchasing a new knife hand crafted by Ted, Regia warlord, training officer and all round Dark age guru.
This is quite a spectacular creation as the pic shows and instantly overcame any reservations I had about saving money for York and the fact that I allready have several knives, and learning that the design was found in Dublin only increased its appeal, not only because of my own interest in the Hiberno Norse but also because of the image that some of us in the group are trying to cultivate.

While I had the camera out I couldnt resist taking a quick snap of the view out of the window, this is over Lancaster and the Bay into the Lakedistrict.