Another Jorvik festival has come and gone and a rambunctous romp it was too. Spectacular displays, battles and pageantry were the norm, many an old friend was reunited and the mead flowed like the Ouse. Crois du Nord(C.D.N, thats us, Norman name, dont get me started) had a good one this year, newby Dave had his first show and loved it, Ted, Dave and Pete got to pose in mail and hit people, and I faught my first big battle with a seax as apose to a 2 handed spear, which was much more fun.

A personal belief of mine is that digital cameras and battle reenactments dont mix so the images I use are borrowed from Facebook(I dont think this is going to get me into trouble...) and to be honest non of us would bother anyway, so unfortunately there aren't any pics of us as a group in action yet

The previous pic shows the march through York centre leading up to the night fight (below).

Which was triumphantly concluded with a ship burning and firework display.

All in all a great day, the enduring memory was being part of a hundred strong Saxon army, dancing to eighties pop and the prodigy(this was part of a display by some fire jugglers) prior to going into battle. Sunday was a general mooch around York including a visit to the viking market where I picked up a new Seax. This is to replace my last one which broke in battle, fortunately because of a fault in the mettle and not through irresponsible use on my part.
An added bonus is that the new blade fits my old scabbard, which I intend to tart up in the near future.
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